Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Then the Easter Bunny sent out this e-mail...

Subject Line: Vlad the Impaler's Knowledge of Candidate's Wife?"


In the recent Hiring Committee letter to the department, they decided to slander me, perhaps because I am a lone Negro and they think they can say anything they want about me to serve their own purposes. Nonetheless, let me state emphatically that I never said that I did not want an Iranian in the department. Rather, I said that I wanted someone who more fairly represented the students population at our school. As the only non-white male in the department, I certainly do not have anything against other non-white males, Iranians included. I merely told the committee that I believe our faculty should more fairly represent our student population, in particular blacks and hispanics. After all, our country was formed by people seeking fair representation in their society.

As for Vlad the Impaler knowing the minority candidate or his wife, I suspected she might know the candidate's wife because Vlad the Impaler participated with the candidate's wife in the [Workshop Session] at the [Conference], [City], in [Month & Year]. I thought it unlikely that two people would be part of a workshop session at a national conference and never actually meet. The candidate's wife lists the presentation on her web page at her current school, where she graduated. In fact, here is how she lists the presentation:

[Quoted passage lists the workshop and names Vlad the Impaler as one of the participants.]

If you want to see the listing for yourself, please find the link below.


I have seen several black male professor friends of mine falsely accused by colleagues of saying things in order to destroy their careers. The committee is trying to destroy my career through their viscious [sic] lie. I might be a lone Negro, but I won't go quietly without a fight. I never said that I didn't want an Iranian in the department. Of course, it is my word against their word, but, unfortunately, it is all a lone Negro has.

the Easter Bunny

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