Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Then the Easter Bunny sent another email...

Subject Line: Slanderous Statement


It is an absolute bold face lie that I said anything about the minority candidate's ethnicity at the final committee meeting I attended, where the candidate placed in the top three. Although I did say that I preferred to hire a black or hispanic male at the previous meeting, I didn't even discuss the candidate's ethnicity at the final meeting meeting I attended. I discussed only his inadequate qualifications. The committee is claiming that I made the prejudiced comment at the last hiring committee meeting I attended because neither General George Armstrong Custer nor Conan the Barbarian were at the previous meeting where I did say that I preferred to hire a black or hispanic male because they are woefully underrepresented as teachers in our college. The committee is claiming that I made the hateful comment at the last meeting I attended so that they will have more people to accuse me of the charge. Once again, it's my word againist their word. But I tell you emphatically that they are telling a monstrous lie about me.

the Easter Bunny

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